Sunday 4 December 2011

‘Me and your old man were never meant to play the guitar’ - A series of intimate portraits illuminating a selection of real motorcyclists in England, UK who believe their motorcycle is more than just a mode of transport. Regardless of their interests or addictions, they all have one thing in common; their motorcycles are part of them and they have taken a particularly dangerous and widely unseen mode of transport to a deeper level. Is it the adrenaline? Or is it the addiction? Perhaps it’s the thrill of the race? Either way, seven days a week, rain or shine, that is what makes them real motorcyclists.

The project itself arose from a passion of my own about the motorcycle scene, and what it means to me as a rider and a photographer. Wanting to void the preconceptions that most people hold of real bikers; that they are all Hells Angels, or are involved in guns, drugs, or prostitutes. With this set of environmental portraits it’s about who they are as an individual and their passion for two wheels, not what they represent, or the local back patch that clubs force upon everyone. They are the middle finger between society and organised motorcycle gangs. They ride for themselves, no one else, and almost fit into everyday scenarios going unnoticed, until they meet another like-minded rider.
This project for me is about getting to know the subject on a very personal and intimate level before taking their photograph. This way I can ensure that the environmental portrait of the subject really is of them, and not just another ‘fly on the wall’ face value glance. Wanting the viewer to make eye contact with the subject, read their body language within the frame, see the subtle glimpse of the subjects past in their eyes, and really feel an emotion towards them that isn’t hate. -


New website online from my new business called Format Media, which can be found at A website dedicated to commercial and advertising photography from myself. Format also offeres trade websites to small businesses and student websites to students that study a degree at UCF - University College Falmouth, Cornwall, UK. At Format we specialise in packshots, catalogue photography, food, interiors, products, restaurants ad campaigns, jewllery, etc... the list is endless!

"From a large advertsing campaign for a wristwatch to a comprehensive catalogue of products for an online store, or even a small trader looking for some professional staff portraits, nothing leaves the Format Media premises without going through rigorous checks by our quality control team" -

short from DVD about how to take great headshots from Peter Hurley

Peter Hurley: The Art Behind The Headshot DVD from FStoppers on Vimeo.

Friday 30 January 2009